Play Smarter, Not Harder: Your Kid's Guide to Dodging Sports Injuries

Did You Know...

Kids who play sports are more likely to excel in academics. That's right, sports aren't just fun and games—they're a developmental goldmine!

But here's the kicker: while athletics offer a playground for growth in more ways than one, overuse injuries are becoming increasingly common with many children participating in organized sports year-round.

And because your child's skeletal system is actively developing until they are approximately 25 years old, even small unchecked injuries to their spine can create bigger challenges down the road as they get older.

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Why It Matters

And get this. Nearly half of all youth sports injuries are overuse-related. Baseball and volleyball players and gymnasts are especially prone to these injuries.

Next Steps

The good news? You can change the game! Our chiropractic expertise isn't just for adults—it's for young athletes too. We're all about improving posture, enhancing flexibility, and keeping those developing spines in top shape.

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment for your young star today. We'll tailor a kid-approved plan that helps ensure they—and you—can enjoy their sports journey and beyond injury-free for years to come.

Until next week, make time for your self-care. Be sure to have your next appointment scheduled and to favorite our social channels for more!

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References: Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes. UCONN Health. 2017.


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